Acupuncture in Bath
Five Element Acupuncture
Five Element Acupuncture is a unique system of health care. It has been used in China and Asia for thousands of years and is now becoming increasingly popular in the West as an effective way to restore health and equilibrium in body, mind and spirit.
- Acupuncture is widely considered beneficial whether you are experiencing specific symptoms of ill health and want to get better or as a preventative measure for maintaining general health and well-being.
- The focus of acupuncture diagnosis and treatment is based on the unique person and looks at symptoms concerning you and your lifestyle.
- Acupuncture addresses the underlying root cause of a condition. As well as relieving the symptoms, this approach has a more long-term effect.
How does Five Element Acupuncture work?
When vital energy Qi (Vital energy) flows smoothly throughout the body, nourishing and supporting healthy function, we feel well and have good health. However, many internal and external causes can prevent that from happening, such as poor diet, repeated emotional patterns and stress, over-exertion, and trauma, to name just a few.
Inserting very fine, sterile needles into specific points along the meridian pathways stimulates and regulates the flow of qi (vital energy). The treatment clears blocked, weak, and imbalanced qi in the meridian channels. It helps to re-establish the circulation of energy, nourishing and revitalising body functions, and calming the mind and emotions.
- Health is seen as a positive natural function of adaption, whereby the body/mind can respond to challenges and uphold overall health and equilibrium, resist disease and return to a state of health quickly.
- Disease is viewed as an out-of-balance state, a move away from the harmony of life caused by internal or external influences.
- Symptoms of pain and illness are seen as signals of imbalance.
- Acupuncture treatment aims to help restore body and mind to a state whereby healing will optimally occur.

The Five Elements are used as a diagnostic tool which views human beings as connected to nature and not separate. As in nature, the five elements are expressed in our bodies and mind. This reflects how we are connected to all things. As the elements work in nature, so they work within us.
By diagnosing the correspondences of the five elements within a patient, the practitioner has a wonderful tool to help restore harmony and balance.